Discord is where all the discussion around JuliaCon will take place. You'll need to make a Discord account if you don't have one (the process below will prompt you to login to or register for Discord). Your Discord nickname will be set to the name you used when registering for JuliaCon in order to promote an air of authenticity and professionalism among attendees.
If you’re comfortable using the designated main track/hallway channels to direct questions to presenters, please do so. This way everyone can benefit from the answer you get! Attendees are encouraged to request new channels to create gathering places for those with specific interests (e.g., #web for attendees interested in applications of Julia to the web). Let us know in #request-a-channel if you’d like a new text or voice channel. To report issues, please contact an organizer (blue) or moderator (green) on Discord. Organizers are identifiable in the user list on Discord.